Your Mouth: THE Key to Wellness

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BDCD0031 In Stock


The mouth is a barometer for our overall health. We can easily observe the mouth breaking down much faster than the rest of the body. Quite often, a patient with cancer or heart disease has a mouth full of restorative dentistry. This dentistry was needed to rebuild the mouth from the years of chronic oral infection, inflammation and breakdown. In addition, research shows that almost 80% of patients with some form of cardiovascular disease have undiagnosed Obstructive Sleep Apnea. It is so important that medicine and dentistry are integrated to enhance our patients overall wellness. It is not just about fluoride and mercury toxicity. Current research is still proving that there is a relationship with cancer, cardiovascular disease, chronic infection in the Oral Cavity and Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Dental myths discussed: 1) Flossing is necessary to cure gum disease 2) Sugar is the main cause of cavities 3) Dental clearance for surgery is done by visual exam Dr. Winick will discuss integrative wellness solutions to improve the environment of the oral cavity. In addition, we will discuss how to foster a team relationship with a local dentist. Overall patient care benefits when Medicine and Dentistry combine talents and provide a team approach to the needs of the patient .